Monday, October 21, 2013

Giving out the trees

We were happy to be able to give out the trees at two of the nurseries. It was exciting to see the people excited about planting the trees. We partnered with a local farmers group, O.P.A.P.P. (Organisation des Planteurs pour l'avancement de Pays-Pourri).

 Explaining the benefits of trees at the Trochet, Pays Pourri nursery.

 Explaining the importance of taking responsibility. Don't wait on the government or NGOs. 

 The make-it-work nursery. 

 Happy to have trees to plant.

 A picture from a few months ago. The trees growing in the nursery by Eralus' school in Badi, Pays Pourri.

 Members of O.P.A.P.P. getting ready to give out the trees.

 Mr. Solius, the technician that oversaw the tree nurseries.

 Eralus' son holding a nice avocado tree. 

 Some of the recipients will walk 1 1/2 hours south to other parts of Pays Pourri to plant their trees.

 Lot's of people come for trees.

 Mr. Solius giving a demonstration on "How to plant a tree."

 These school children taking trees to plant at their homes.

 Planting trees on the school property.

The people of Pays Pourri say "Thank you" for your support.  God Bless.

We praise God for men like Mr. Eralus and Mr. Solius. Both are members of our church in Fond Parisien. God is using them to help the people in Pays Pourri, both physically and spiritually.

Please pray earnestly for the Leadership Seminar that we are planning for December for the church leaders in Pays Pourri. If you would like to make a donation to help cover the expenses of the seminar, mark your donation "Leadership Seminar".

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

First Day of School

           Excitement is high as we start the 28th year of school. God has blessed the school tremendously. It is simply amazing to think of all the children that have been blessed with a good education through our school.

     We had prayer meetings all last week to ask God for His blessing on the coming school year. The theme of the prayer meetings was 2 Timothy 2:12, "If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us." Some of the teachers taught on the promise of God to answer our prayers. I taught on "The hand of God in suffering". As Christians, we will endure suffering, but we should allow God to use it to prune and purify us, and help us hope for and long for heaven.

It is a real struggle for parents to be able to buy uniforms, books, and pay the tuition for their children. (At the mission school, students pay part of the book costs, and a small tuition. Sponsored students receive books and tuition totally free. We only have sponsors for some of the students, so we pick out the poorest of the poor.)

Pastor Voltaire is praying over the Kindergarten students.

Picking up their books.


Eager faces, ready to learn. Would you consider partnering with us to sponsor a child?

Some of the teachers planning together.

Roll call. A lot of the students skip the first few days of school. Some have not got their uniforms made yet.

Roll Call

Met Obenson teaching his students about being quiet in class.

Thank you to everyone of you that his partnering with us this year through the school sponsorship program. For only $15/month, you can provide an education for a child in Haiti. This pays for their tuition, books, and a hot meal. For more info email .