Wednesday, August 21, 2013

VBS in Le Roux

From August 6th through August 9th we had a VBS at Le Roux (the housing project that IFM constructed for some of the earthquake victims). Each day we taught one of the parables of Jesus. Day 1: The Sower and the Seed, Day 2: The Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin, Day 3: The Prodigal Son, Day 4: The Good Samaritan.

We spent several days before preparing craft projects to take.

A big thank you to all our native friends that helped in the preparation.

VBS days started with registration. Each student was given a name badge. We had about 110 kids each day. Even when we ran out of name badges, they still came to listen in even though they could not participate in all the activities.

Wismith was in charge of keeping things in order. We found after the first day he was going to need a little help with being heard, so we borrowed a megaphone:)

After registration, we started with singing and prayer. They really got into that.

Several of the kids wanted to help lead in the singing.

Each day we had a skit we performed during the reading of the Bible passage. On this day we were reading the parable of the prodigal son. Kenslie, Jayla and Alyssa were the pigs.

After the Bible reading, we broke up into three groups. 

Nathan and Nerlange taught the group of 15 years and older.

Aaron and Cliff taught the group of 10-14 year olds.

Daisy and Wismith taught the 9 years and younger group.

We then gathered back together for a group craft. Wendy explained what we were doing each day.

The kids intently listened to the instructions.

Levi passing out crayons.

Caily helping with pig puppets.

Michelle helping with a heart project.

Austin just being a good friend.

We did some relays...

And played balloon tag.

Each day ended with a pack of cookies and a water bag.

A big thanks to Nathan, Daisy and family, and Clem Flory for coming to help prepare and teach these classes. Also a big thanks to Cornerstone DB Church for donating the supplies. Thanks to all of you who supported us in prayer.

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