Saturday, March 2, 2013

Plant trees in Pays Pourri

We have talked enough about the deforestation in Haiti. It is time to plant trees. We would like for you to participate with us.

The Goal: Start 2,000 trees in 4 different locations in Pays Pourri for a total of 8,000 trees. This would be  60% fruit trees and 40% lumber trees.

Strategy: Work with Eralus (the Pays Pourri KASEK), OPAPP (Organisation des Planteurs pour ládvancement de Pays Pourri), and the local habitants. Each of these three participants will volunteer time and resources for the nursery. We will work with these partners to ensure that the trees are cared for after they are planted.

Here is a list of the things we need to make this a reality.
  1. Seeds – Please consider making a donation to buy tree seed.
  2.  Nursery caretaker – Each of these 4 nurseries will need a caretaker to water the trees, pull weeds, and guard against theft and damage by animals. Please consider sponsoring a nursery worker at $50.00 USD per month.
  3.  Extension Agent – This project will be overseen by a Haitian extension agent. Mr. Solius Chery is a Pays Pourri man, that was trained in agriculture by  Parole et Action. He is a member of our Water for Life church in Fond Parisien. He has been working as school director at Eralus’school in Pays Pourri. Eralus will find someone to work at the school, as overseeing the four nurseries and other extension work will be a full time job for Solius. Minimum wage in Haiti is 6,000 Gourdes ($150.00 USD) per month.  Please consider sponsoring the extension agent’s salary or a portion of his salary.
  4.  Large bags – We have lots of small black bags that will be used for pots for the trees. We need to purchase some larger bags for the mango and avocado tree seedlings. Please consider this option.
  5. Food – There will be a small expense for food on work days. There are many people willing to volunteer, but we need to come up with food for the volunteers.

We already have the following items: shade cloth, lumber to build the shade shelters, wheelbarrows, watering cans, sprayer, shovels, string, fence wire, black bags for pots, and sifters for sifting the potting soil. 

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