Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Only one - but Someone

There she stood at my pharmacy window - a frail slice of humanity. Eyes wide, shaking with fear her story began to spill from her lips.

The police had brought her to the clinic because they feared for her life and the life of her unborn child of two months. Her small frame was exceptionally skinny. She was bruised, obviously beaten. Her wrists showed nasty red marks where she had been tied with electrical wire. Her body had big ugly welts - down her legs, her cheeks, her shoulders.

She has a small house and a little business to support herself. The man who claims to be her boyfriend comes to her house regularly and beats her mercilessly. This time he came and left her aching with the results. He took her passport, her money plus her bank card. The police chased after him but they couldn't find him, so like most cases in Haiti they will probably not pursue it farther.

I sat and talked to her awhile . She didn't seem to be willing to call upon family or want to bother anyone to come to her house for the night. This would most likely stoke her boyfriend's anger much worse. She said she will just return to her house and if she dies tonight she will just die. I tried to reassure her that if she seeks God with all her heart he will listen to her cry. Even if no one else sees or cares surely our Heavenly Father does. We prayed and then I gave her medicine and some herbalife shakes. After a little rest on the hospital bed she was gone.

Yes, she is gone -this fragile but oh, so special slip of a lady. I do not even know her name. Most likely I shall never see her again, and yet she has impacted my life more then some of my friends have in all my life. Did she choose her circumstance? Is she not of just as much value as I ? Did she never have a chance in life? Does she really know Jesus? All these questons and more - I may have no answers but I am so thankful I trust in an all-knowing God.

I have been born to privilege- Do I live my life like every moment counts? Surely I can show my light for Jesus - it may be in small ways, it may be only once in a persons life, it may be but a prayer, but all the same I must! How can I not, after all Jesus has done for me??


  1. Thank you for this incredible character description and impetus to prayer. God bless you all for the work you do each and every day of your lives.

  2. Thanks for sharing this very moving account of the impact this dear Haitian lady had on your life. May God richly bless you for being a light for Him. The staff at IFM are in our prayers.
    Lori Martin

  3. Yes,thank-you for sharing this account with us! God bless you for letting your light shine and blessing that dear lady!
