Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Update on Dadou Pierre.

I am sure you have all heard about Dadou's broken leg
and the complications she has been having ever since the break.

I have been cleaning and bandaging her lag a few times a week,
it has been a real blessing to see the open wounds slowly get smaller
and to she new skin cover the exposed ligaments.

We have been praying for months that God would heal her leg
and prevent her from having to undergo amputation surgery.

Now I am not a doctor, neither can I see inside her leg but as far as I can tell
by looking at the outside, her leg has majorly improved.
This morning when I bandaged it there was only one very small drop of blood.

Pleas pray for Dadou as she has a few doctor's appointments in the near future,
and specifically that her leg would continue to heal inside
as much as it is healing outside.

October Seventh she will be seeing a Haitian Doctor
and in November she will be seeing a medical team from The United States.

PS. Too respect Dadous privacy I have not included photos.


  1. Thanks so much for the update! I keep forgetting to ask Shea about Dadou and was just thinking about her the other day. We will keep praying!

    Emma C.

  2. Thanks for letting us all know how Dadou is doing! will keep praying!
