Saturday, August 3, 2013

Youth Bible School 2013

We praise God for the work of His Spirit during the Bible School. Oftentimes we plan activities and events, but only God can work in hearts. It was obvious that God stirred a hunger in the hearts of the 144 youth that came to the five days of Bible School. They came from over 15 different churches.

Brother Ivan Miller taught on Salvation.

What more could a teacher want than an audience of people with a desire to hear what he has to say? A group of youth that are hungry for the truth, word of God! Some may have grown up in a Christian family, but had very little strong biblical teaching. Others are from families steeped in bondage to the devil, and are now finding their freedom in Christ.  Praise God for his power to set us free!!!

Each student received a 3 ring binder of notes for their classes. 
The notes were translated in Haitian Creole.

The seminar was a real blessing to all involved. It began July 23 ending the 27th. Classes began at 8am and finished at 4pm. Subjects were: Deeper Christian life, Salvation, Purity, Christian leadership, and Types and Shadows from the Old Testament.

 Pastor Jean Claude taught the guys about sexual purity.

Rebecca taught the girls about sexual purity and Wismith translated.

Wendy helped with the girls' purity class. She wrote skits and object lessons to help illustrate the lessons. On the last day, both Aaron and Wendy, and Wismith and Rebecca shared the testimonies. The Holy Spirit was working in the hearts of the youth, and several asked for prayer and shared about their struggle.

This young man shared his testimony of a besetting sin in his life, even the night before his baptism. 
We had a special prayer for him.

Andy Eversole taught the guys on sexual purity.

Matthew Morhart taught on Types and Shadows from the Old Testament.

Shea and Wismith led the prayer time, emphasizing prayer for God's work in our hearts and lives. They divided the students into small groups. On the last day, Shea shared with them about the persecuted church.

Andy Eversole taught Christian Leadership.

Matthew Newcomer organized the recreation time.

A big thanks to Michelle and several ladies from church for making food for us.

Each of the students received a certificate.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing! I will continue to pray that the truths shared will be grounded in the hearts of each of those youth! What a blessing to be able to have those meetings.

