Friday, December 20, 2013

Pastors Seminar Badi 13'

December 16-19th found us in Badi, gathered together with 87 pastors and church leaders representing 21 different churches from all across the south side of Pays-Pourri and Belle Fontaine. 

All of the speakers prepared notes and outlines that were translated and filed in binders which were given to each attendee. These binders are a wonderful resource for leaders that have very little study resources aside from their Bibles. 

As leaders in North America we have various translations, countless commentaries and concordances. But not only are these leaders resources limited but there are those that cannot read or even sign their own name. Between both seminars the past 2 weeks over 20% of the leader who attended are illiterate. Many of which rely on their literate children to read scripture to them.     

We again thank our 11 sisters that prepared all the food during this past week 

 Eralus Thelime as community leader and brother in Christ gave all of himself the past several weeks and months in preparation and coordinating. Please pray for him and his family as he serves Christ and his community. Pray for his children too as they grow and watch their Father as an example of true servant leadership. 

In the giving of certificates all of the churches represented took the opportunity to show their appreciation by presenting all 4 speakers with scripture plaques.    

Pleas continue to lift our brothers up in prayer. Pray that the seeds of truth that were sown the last 2 weeks would find fertile soil in their hearts and lives. They are hungry for God's word, much time was given to questions.They ask real questions about real issues that they are working through in their churches right now! A huge issue they are dealing with is adultery and immorality among leadership!! A lot of the same questions get answered and reconfirmed with Scripture; these are hard things to deal with, approaching leaders about their sin and dealing with it themselves! Please pray about this!! For this is where real growth will happen, Repentance, confession and teaching. All we can do is point them to God’s word and pray with them.
I again am reminded of my humanity. Race, color and nationality do not change the face of our ugly flesh, our Enemy and our broken hearts. May we all see those around us every day in need of God’s love and truth as we continue to serve Christ our Savior and Lord.    

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